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Terms and Conditions

Article 1 - Definitions.

In these terms and conditions, the following definitions shall apply:
1. Consumer/customer: the natural person acting exclusively for non-professional purposes who enters into a distance contract with the company;
2. Company: the legal entity, as further identified under article 2, offering goods to consumers at a distance or any natural person or legal entity expressly authorized to offer goods to consumers at a distance in the name and/or on behalf of the legal entity;

3. Distance contract: an agreement under which, in the context of a system organized by the company for the distance sale of goods, up to and including the conclusion of the contract, exclusive use is made of one or more means of distance communication;
4. Technique for distance communication : means that can be used for the conclusion of an agreement, without the consumer/customer and company being together simultaneously in the same space (example: mail, text message, letter, facebook or Whatsapp message);
5.Right of withdrawal: the possibility for the consumer/customer to waive the distance contract within the withdrawal period;
Withdrawal period: the period within which the consumer/customer can exercise his/her right of withdrawal;
6. Day:

- When time periods are expressed in calendar days, this means all days running from Monday to Sunday, legal holidays included;

- When time periods are expressed in working days, this means all days from Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays.

Article 2 - Company identity.

Company name:
CHO bv
Acting under the website:

Registered office and/or business address:
Wolvertemsesteenweg 134 1850 Grimbergen


Company number and VAT identification number: BE0788 357 897

Telephone number:

0032 479 65 42 89

Available weekdays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

E-mail address: [email protected]

Article 3 - Acceptance of general conditions and Applicability

The present site offers the on-line sale of clothing, shoes, accessories, decoration objects, care products. The acquisition of a good presupposes the acceptance by the comsument/customer of all the present general conditions. The acceptance of these general terms and conditions presupposes that the consumer/customer has the necessary legal capacity to do so.

These general terms and conditions apply to every offer made by the company and to every distance contract concluded between the company and the consumer/customer.
These terms and conditions always take precedence over the terms and conditions of the other contracting party.

Article 5 - Agreement (at a distance)

If an order is given by the consumer/customer to the company to deliver one or more items, there is an agreement that is legally binding, being a distance purchase. The agreement is established when the confirmation of the order is sent. The company will send the consumer/customer, after placing the order, a receipt message containing a summary of the order.


The products offered are listed in the catalog published on the site. These products are offered within the limits of available stocks. Each product is accompanied by a description. All images, photographs, drawings and specification (such as data on color and dimensions) on the company's website are approximate only. They are indicative and cannot give rise to compensation or dissolution of the agreement. The consumer/customer is aware that the color on a digital image, may differ to a limited extent from reality.


All prices are stated in euros, including VAT and excluding shipping costs.

All prices on the website are subject to printing and typesetting errors. The seller has the right to cancel purchases of incorrectly priced items.

Payment - Retention of title

In general, the company accepts the following payment methods: bank contact, credit card, apple pay and iDEAL.

The company reserves the right not to accept certain payment methods for a specific order and to refer to other payment methods.

The products remain the property of the company until full payment of the purchase price and, if applicable, delivery costs.


The products are shipped via Bpost.

The Company guarantees that the order will be shipped in good condition and that great care will be taken in shipping the products.

For orders exceeding an amount of one hundred and fifty euros (€ 150), no delivery costs are due.

The company will fulfill accepted orders no later than three (3) business days from the day following the day the company received the purchase price, unless a longer delivery period has been agreed upon.

Article 6 - Right of withdrawal and the conditions and means of exercising it

The consumer/customer has the right to notify the company that he renounces the purchase, without payment of a penalty and without giving a reason, within fourteen calendar days from the day following the delivery of the item or the conclusion of the service contract. (Art. VI.47§1- Book VI Market Practices and Consumer Protection of the Code of Economic Law).

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the consumer/customer must inform the company of his/her decision to withdraw from the contract through an unequivocal statement. The consumer/customer must return or hand over the goods without delay, but in any event no later than fourteen (14) calendar days from the day on which the consumer/customer communicated the decision to withdraw to the company.

During the withdrawal period, the consumer/customer shall handle the good and its packaging with care. He shall only unpack or use the good to the extent necessary to assess whether he wishes to keep the good. The consumer/customer is liable for the depreciation in value of the returned goods.

Returned items will only be accepted if the good with all delivered accessories and - if reasonably possible - in its original condition and packaging are returned to the company by registered mail or against receipt. The receipt shall serve as proof of date. The labels with barcode and price located on the packaging must also be present and intact. Only neatly folded clothing, unworn and unused items will be accepted. Stained, damaged, washed or severely creased items will not be accepted.
When returning goods, the consumer/customer bears responsibility for damage or loss. If the previous obligations are not fulfilled, the consumer/customer loses his/her right of withdrawal.

If the consumer/customer exercises his/her right of withdrawal, the direct costs of return shipment shall be borne by him/her. The consumer/customer may opt to return the goods to the company's business address (in-store).

If the consumer/customer has paid an amount, the company will refund this amount as soon as possible, but at the latest within thirty (30) calendar days after the return or withdrawal.

Article 7 - Force majeure

The company is not liable if and insofar as the non-performance of its commitments is the result of a case of force majeure.

By force majeure is meant any foreign cause, as well as any circumstance or event beyond the company's control that could not be foreseen or avoided by it. Delays in or failure to perform by suppliers, transport difficulties, strikes, government measures, delays in supply, negligence on the part of suppliers and/or manufacturers of the company, deficiencies in auxiliary means or means of transport are expressly deemed to be situations of force majeure.

Article 8 - Complaints and disputes

Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted to the company within a period of 30 calendar days, fully and clearly described, after the consumer/customer has noticed or could have noticed the defects after careful inspection of the received goods. The complaint must be sent by registered mail or against receipt. The date of the receipt shall serve as proof of timely complaint.

Complaints submitted to the company will be answered within a reasonable time from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeably longer processing time, the company will respond within a reasonable time with a notice of receipt and, if possible, an indication of when the consumer can expect a more detailed response.

If the complaint cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute arises that is subject to the dispute settlement procedure.

All agreements between the company and the consumer/customer are governed exclusively by Belgian law.
All disputes arising from agreements between the company and the consumer are subject to the jurisdiction of the court in Brussels.


Article 9 - Additional or different provisions

Additional or different provisions shall be in writing.

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